Non-profit Spotlight: Winter Haven Area LaSertoma
LaSertoma is an international organization founded in 1951 to promote friendship, fellowship and extension among its members; also to aid, assist, support educational and philanthropic enterprises and endeavors.
LaSertoma is an acronym for “Leaders in Service to Mankind.” The mission of LaSertoma is: To enhance the lives of all persons and to promote youth and education through public awareness as we strive to be “Leaders in Service to Mankind.” The Winter Haven Area LaSertoma was started by 31 ladies in 1983. The International office headquarters are in Dayton, Ohio.
The group meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at St. Johns United Methodist Church, located at 1800 Cypress Gardens Blvd. in Winter Haven.
Monthly meetings include cultural, informative, and interesting programs. Funds are raised through endeavors such as Pumpkin Patch, Poinsettia sales, Ghoul’s Night Out, Pecan sales, Tasters Tea, White Elephant sale, and a rummage sale.
Monies raised are donated to Camp Endeavor, Family Emergency Services, Aluminum Can Tops, Box Tops for Education, Salvation Army, Prescription Drug Bottle Program, Friends of the Library, Cancer Resource Room, and Blood Bank. In addition, LaSertoma members donate their time and services to these organizations.
Winter Haven Area LaSertoma will be celebrating its 30th birthday on August 1, 2013 at 7 p.m. at Lake Bess Golf Club Clubhouse, located at 218 Golf Aire Blvd. in Winter Haven. The public is invited.
Editor’s note: As of the end of June 2017, Winter Haven LaSertoma is no longer operational.